Quick Start

Ready to try out Kylo? Choose an option.


Kylo AWS Sandbox

Try Kylo in the cloud with Amazon Web Services. The AWS sandbox AMI image is a pre-configured Kylo instance with Apache Hadoop, Spark, and NiFi.

Click here for AWS instructions

Kylo Sandbox

The Kylo Sandbox is a personal virtual environment so you can quickly get started with Kylo. The sandbox is a pre-configured Kylo instance with Apache Hadoop, Spark, and NiFi. The tutorials below will teach you how to create your first ingest feed and wrangle data.


    Download Kylo Sandbox for VirtualBox *

    Kylo HDP Sandbox

    Kylo Cloudera Sandbox


    In VirtualBox: File | Import Appliance


    Start VM and allow up to 10 minutes to start services


    From web browser: Kylo Ops Manager | Kylo Feed Manager


    Application login: dladmin/thinkbig, Sandbox OS login: root/kylo

    * Requires Oracle VirtualBox 5.2.22 or later. Recommended 20GB disk space and 10GB RAM.

Intro Tutorials

The following introductory tutorials will get you quickly started with Kylo:

Creating a Data Ingest feed

Create an data ingest feed Download sample file

Creating a simple Wrangling feed

Learn how to easily transform and prepare data.

Watch full video for more features

Explore many of the features of Kylo